Places assises 1. Tyler Smith - 1,169,000
Places assises 2. Hoyt Corkins - 2,069,000
Places assises 3. Jonathan Kantor - 894,000
Places assises 4. Jerry Vanstrydonck - 1,044,000
Places assises 5. James Reed - 377,000
Places assises 6. Jared Jaffee - 762,000
The WPT final table begins at 4:00 pm CT. Return to for complete live coverage of all the action, with constantly-updated chip counts.
Main #83 - Hoyt Corkins raises under the gun to 66,000, Andy Philachack moves all in from early position for 208,000, and Hoyt calls with [AcQs]. Philachack shows [AdKd], and he's a dominant favorite to double up.
Le conseil vient [AhQc4c6h10h], and Hoyt Corkins flops two pair to win the pot. Andy Philachack is the unfortunate TV bubble boy, eliminated in seventh place and earning $67,540.
Andy Philachack - Dehors 7e place ($67,540)
The remaining seven players are verifying their chip stacks and filling out their WPT bio sheets. We will have official chip counts for tomorrow's televised final table soon.
Main #79 - Hoyt Corkins raises from the button to 46,000, and Jonathan Kantor calls from the big blind before checking in the dark. The flop comes [Js7s2h], Hoyt parie 52,000, et Kantor se couche. Hoyt Corkins prend la pot.
Main #80 - Tyler Smith raises from late position to 50,000, Andy Philachack moves all in from the button for 180,000, and Tyler calls with [Ah9c]. Philachack shows [Ac3c], et il devra s'améliorer pour rester en vie.
Le plateau arrive [Qs8c8h7sKs], and it's a chopped pot because neither kicker players.
Main #81 - Jerry Vanstrydonck completes the small blind to 20,000, and James Reed checks his option in the big blind. They check to the river on a board of [Ah7d3h7h5d], Vanstrydonck bets 30,000, and Reed calls. Vanstrydonck shows [As5c] (two pair, aces and sevens), and Reed shows [Ac2h] for the same hand. It's another chopped pot.
Main #82 - Tyler Smith raises under the gun to 50,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Places assises 1. Tyler Smith - 940,000
Places assises 2. Hoyt Corkins - 1,860,000
Places assises 3. Andy Philachack - 200,000
Places assises 4. Jonathan Kantor - 990,000
Places assises 5.
Places assises 6. Jerry Vanstrydonck - 1,400,000
Places assises 7. James Reed - 385,000
Places assises 8.
Places assises 9. Jared Jaffee - 822,000
Places assises 10.
Main #77 - Hoyt Corkins raises under the gun to 58,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #78 - Tyler Smith min-raises from the button to 40,000, Hoyt Corkins reraises from the big blind to 160,000, and Tyler reraises to 280,000. Hoyt tanks for more than five minutes before he flashes the [As] and folds.
Main #74 - Jared Jaffee relance de la position médiane à 58,000, et Jerry Vanstrydonck appelle depuis la grosse blinde. Le flop arrive [7s6c4h], Vanstrydonck checks, Jaffee bets 100,000, and Vanstrydonck folds. Jared Jaffee takes the pot.
Main #75 - Hoyt Corkins raises from the cutoff to 46,000, Jonathan Kantor calls from the button, and Jerry Vanstrydonck reraises from teh small blind to 185,000. Hoyt and Kantor both fold, and Vanstrydonck takes the pot.
Main #76 - Andy Philachack moves all in from late position, winning the blinds and antes.
Main #69 - Tyler Smith raises to 57,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #70 - Hoyt Corkins raises under the gun to 65,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #71 - James Reed moves all in from the cutoff, winning the blinds and antes.
Main #72 - Jared Jaffee relance depuis le cutoff à 53,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #73 - Tyler Smith raises from the cutoff to 52,000, Hoyt Corkins reraises from the button to 152,000, and Tyler folds. Hoyt takes the pot.
Main #65 - Jonathan Kantor raises under the gun to 55,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #66 - Tyler Smith raises from the cutoff to 50,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #67 - Tyler Smith raises from late position to 50,000, Hoyt Corkins reraises from the cutoff to 150,000, and Tyler folds. Hoyt takes the pot.
Main #68 - Jared Jaffee relance sous le pistolet pour 55,000, and Jonathan Kantor calls from the button. The flop comes [KsJd9h], Jaffee parie 85,000, et Kantor appelle. La carte du tournant est la [4c], Jaffee bets 160,000, Kantor moves all in, and Jaffee folds. Jonathan Kantor takes the pot.
Main #61 - Jared Jaffee relance sous le pistolet pour 55,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #62 - Tyler Smith raises under the gun to 50,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #63 - Everyone folds to Tyler Smith, giving him a walk in the big blind.
Main #64 - Jared Jaffee relance depuis le bouton pour 57,000, Tyler Smith reraises from the small blind to 160,000, and Jaffee calls. The flop comes [Js9h6c], Tyler bets 135,000, and Jaffee folds. Tyler Smith takes the pot.
Les sept derniers joueurs reviennent de la pause pour commencer le niveau 17, avec des stores augmentés de 10,000-20,000 et 3,000 ante. Play will continue tonight until one more player is eliminated.
Places assises 1. Tyler Smith - 740,000
Places assises 2. Hoyt Corkins - 1,735,000
Places assises 3. Andy Philachack - 300,000
Places assises 4. Jonathan Kantor - 726,000
Places assises 5.
Places assises 6. Jerry Vanstrydonck - 1,065,000
Places assises 7. James Reed - 480,000
Places assises 8.
Places assises 9. Jared Jaffee - 1,223,000
Places assises 10.
Niveau 16 comes to an end, and the final seven players take a 10-minute de pause.
Main #58 - Jonathan Kantor raises under the gun to 40,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #59 - James Reed raises from early position to 35,000, gagner les blinds et les antes.
Main #60 - Tyler Smith passe de la position médiane à 43,000, Andy Philachack moves all in from the button for 212,000, and Tyler folds. Philachack takes the pot.
Main #55 - Everyone folds to Jared Jaffee, giving him a walk in the big blind. Jaffee shows [KdKh] as he collects the blinds and antes.
Main #56 - Andy Philachack moves all in from middle position for 191,000, winning the blinds and antes. Philachack shows [AcAd] as he collects the chips.
Main #57 - Tyler Smith completes the small blind to 16,000, and Hoyt Corkins checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes [7s6d3h], Tyler checks, Hoyt bets 20,000, and Tyler folds. Hoyt Corkins takes the pot.
Main #51 - Jerry Vanstrydonck raises form middle position to 38,000, Hoyt Corkins relance depuis la petite blinde à 138,000, and Vanstrydonck folds. Hoyt Corkins takes the pot.
Main #52 - Hoyt Corkins raises from the button to an unknown amount, winning the blinds and antes.
Main #53 - Everyone folds to Jerry Vanstrydonck, giving him a walk in the big blind.
Main #54 - Hoyt Corkins raises from middle position to 40,000, Jonathan Kantor calls from the button, and James Reed calls from the big blind. The flop comes [7d7s4s], Reed checks, Hoyt bets 60,000, Kantor calls, and Reed folds.
La carte tournante est la [6h], Hoyt parie 120,000, et Kantor appelle. La carte de la rivière est la [3c], Hoyt parie 154,000, and Kantor calls. Hoyt shows [KcKs] to win the pot with two pair, kings and sevens, and Kantor mucks.
Hoyt Corkins - 1,740,000
Jonathan Kantor - 700,000
Main #50 - James Reed moves all in from the cutoff for 240,000, and Jared Jaffee calls with [AdQc]. Reed shows [Ac7d], et il devra s'améliorer pour rester en vie.
Le conseil vient [8s7s6dAhJh], and Reed wins the pot avec deux paires, as et sept.
James Reed - 500,000
Jared Jaffee - 1,300,000