Récapitulatif des grandes histoires

/ Niveau 8: 120,000-240,000

- OK, we're down to seventy players, so I won't need to say those embarassing things I promised I would in tomorrow's video segment. Amongst those seventy, amazingly, are ten players with targets on their backs.

David Williams fait partie des chip leaders, JJ Lieu est notre dernière joueuse restante et Robert Williamson, Kenna James, Nam Le, Scotty Nguyen, Allen Cunningham, Gavin Smith, JC Tran et le Billy Baxter are all still alive. I'd have thought the ratio of stars-to-players would have gone down.

- JJ Liu is still going strong with T76,000

- JC has just over T100,000, while Nam is hanging in there with T38,000.

- With eight minutes left, Paul McCaffrey is our chip leader. If that holds, he'll win $10,000.

Événement terminé
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Ted Forrest$1,100,000