WPT Jacksonville, récapitulatif du jour 1B

/ Niveau 9: 400-800

Par BJ Nemeth

Jour 1B of WPT Jacksonville began with an additional 205 entrants, creating a total field size of 393 players and a prizepool of $1,277,250.

Sur la piste canine, deux courses de chiens spécialement thématiques ont eu lieu en l'honneur du World Poker Tour.

Here's a look back at Day 1B:

En plus de la Poker Room, l'Orange Park Kennel Club organise également des courses de chiens. Tandis que le tournoi WPT se poursuivait dans la Poker Room à l'intérieur, les courses du samedi se poursuivaient à l'extérieur.

Vince Van Patten gave the traditional "Shuffle up and deal" again on Day 1B, joined by new Royal Flush Girls Ivy Teves (left) and Angelique Velez (right). The WPT Champions Cup can be seen on a rotating display behind them to the right.

Avant chaque course, les chiens défilent sur la piste avec leurs maîtres afin que les fans puissent les observer.

Un jeune fan regarde les chiens courir dans le dernier virage.

Les pluies l’après-midi ne sont pas inhabituelles en Floride, mais les courses continuent.

Artie Rodriguez was one of three players in the Day 1B field who qualified into the tournament thru ClubWPT.com. Rodriguez survived the day with 46,800 in chips, eager to play thru the money bubble on Day 2.

Watson Gay était un autre des ClubWPT.com qualifiés, souriant après avoir remporté l'un des premiers potMalheureusement, Gay a failli être éliminé tôt et a passé la majeure partie de la journée à faire du surplace avec un petit tapis avant de faire faillite plus tard.

Registration closed at the end of Level 4, and Tommy Vedes was the last person to enter the tournament, getting in just under the wire. As he took his seat, Vedes confidently said, "Last one in, and I'm gonna be the last one out."

Royal Flush Girls Ivy Teves (left) and Angelique Velez wait in the winner's circle before the special World Poker Tour-themed race begins.

Au début de chaque course, un lapin mécanique est relâché pour donner aux chiens quelque chose à poursuivre. Quelques instants avant le départ de chaque course, l'annonceur proclame : « Voici Rusty ! Sur cette photo, les chiens viennent de quitter la porte de départ.

Le #7 dog extends his lead in the final stretch as they race toward the finish line.

In the winner's circle, the Royal Flush Girls (Angelique Velez and Ivy Teves) are joined by some of the players (Andy Frankenberger, Carter King, Darryll Fish, and Raw Deal Analyst Tony Dunst) along with Ging Masinda-Quinto and Jeanine Deeb of the WPT. And, of course, the greyhound who won the World Poker Tour-themed race.

Imari Love was at the top of the chip counts for most of Day 1B, building a lead early and holding on to it. But in the final few minutes, he lost a pot with trip queens against another player's flush to drop down to second for the day with 172,000.

As it turned out, Tommy Vedes put his chips where his mouth was, and finished Day 1B avec 209,200 in chips -- giving him the overall chip lead heading into Day 2. For that, he was named the ClubWPT Joueuse du jour par Jessica Welman (à gauche).

Du 205 participants le jour 1B, there were 86 survivors. Here's a look at the top of the Day 1Classement B :

1. Tommy Vedes - 209,200
2. Imari Love - 172,000
3. Barry Wiedermann - 162,100
4. Michael Swimelar - 158,100
5. Dann Turner - 148,200

The survivors from Days 1Un et 1B (168 players) return to action on Day 2, beginning Sunday at 12:00 noon ET. Stay tuned to WPT.com for live coverage throughout the day.

Événement terminé
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